Building the Future

Make your gift now to help bring an exciting, skills-building bike space to our community for kids and adults alike!

CORBA, a non-profit 501c3 organization, is the all-volunteer organization responsible for creating and maintaining single-track trails across the Chippewa Valley for hikers, bikers, snowshoers, and others.

This means as a non profit, that your donation may be tax deductible.

Donate By Check

Send a check to the address below - your donation will be added to the campaign and you’ll be listed with our supporters.

Attn: Lowes Creek Skill Park
2809 E Hamilton Ave #127
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Please include indication on the check that your donation is for the Lowes Creek Bike Park.

Donate Online

Donate on the link below through our Go Fund Me page. You’ll have the option to list your name publicly there, and soon added to the list of supporters.

And either way, if your employer has a program to match charitable donations, be sure to let them know so you can double your impact!

Donate on GoFundMe »

Gifts for Donors

As a thank you gift, donations of $100 or more will receive this one-time only custom Lowes Creek Bike Park five-inch sticker, suitable for water bottles, bumpers, or bikes!

Donations of $250 or more will receive not only the sticker, but also an exclusive, limited-edition Lowes Creek Bike Park hat. The hat is a loden (green) and black Richardson 112 — the gold standard of headwear — known for top-notch craftsmanship. While this photo shows a leather patch, it will actually feature a higher-end custom embroidered patch.

The stickers and hats will be available for pick up at The Local Store in downtown Eau Claire (they will not be mailed). The offer of these items as thank you gifts can expire at any time.

Spread the Word

Let those around you know you’re passionate about quality outdoor biking experiences for our children and community. Share this campaign now on Facebook or other social media channels, send an email to friends and family with a link, and talk about the Lowes Creek Bike Park project wherever you can.

Together we can make this happen!